I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So I heard about this from my girl Shawna, and she is ALL about getting something for free. And well, so am I- so ladies, get on this! It ends on the 10th!

Shutterfly is giving away 50 FREE Holiday Cards to bloggers!!
I'm so excited about this! I use Shutterfly for all of my photo printing. I have always been pleased with Shutterfly's quality AND customer service. We have not used Shutterfly for our Christams Cards but since this will be our first Christmas as a married couple with our BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL I really went to start using photo Christmas cards so that our family and friends can not only receive a nice holiday but it they will also receive a nice photo of us as well. I have heard that it so easy to use and upload my personal pictures.

There are so many great designs to choose from, but this is my favorite so far:

I really like how simple this card is, more focus on us!. Shutterfly has many options for bright and cheerful colors and they are one of the only places I can find that have beautiful designs in the colors that I really like.

Not into Christmas cards? They also have a wide range of products including: Calanders,
Mother's Day Cards and Story Cards.

I never use anyone but Shutterfly. I've been a customer of theirs for a couple years now, and I am so excited for the 50 Free Card promotion! I have ordered a few MANY prints since my daughter was born, they make wonderful gifts for all occasions!

Go here to sign up for your 50 FREE cards too!
Good luck I can not wait to get our Christmas Cards!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Whoa- time for an update

yeah Shawna- this is for you, girl :)

Hi all! I know, I know- it's been a good 4 months since I updated this thing! Thankfully I have a wonderful excuse and I will do better. These past four months have been blessed, amazing, stressful and worth it! Our little Isabella Grace is now a little over 4.5 months old and is making leaps and strides towards being an independent little girl. In the past two weeks she is starting to sit up on her own (it's not very pretty right now, but getting better by the day) and she can army craw (slowly, thank goodness) to things she wants. Which is pretty much anything. She had a four month appointment this past Monday (29th) and weighs 4lbs 8oz and is 24" tall! Funny thing is, at the same age I was 5lbs 14oz and 27" tall! Maybe she won't be as tall as mommy, but that's ok :) I don't know if my back could take another pound or two! At my latest doctor trip they told me to stop losing weight... I swear breastfeeding is amazing.

Besides things of recent, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Daniel's family and then drove to VA to surprise my family! Dad knew, but mom and Gima, Virginia and the kids had NO clue! We stayed till Sunday afternoon and then came home :( Halloween was also great, Bella was a ladybug and a watermelon. Marisa and Will came to visit for the day and we avoided all the tricker-treaters in Troy. Sorry kids, I don't have $200 for the candy it would take to please you. She already has way too many Christmas presents, but I guess a little girl's frist Christmas is a very special one.

Just a little shout out for two of my wonderful friends Matt and Kathleen- they had their first child, Roslyn Moran early this morning. I am so excited to share parenthood with them and can't wait to live closer and raise our little girs together.

anyway, i'm done for now. I'll get photos up soon.

love- Caly and Bella

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finally here :)

I'm here!!
Our beautiful angel was born at 6:26am on Saturday- July 17th. She weighed 7lbs and was 20 1/4" long. She had a great first couple days at the hospital and a great first night at home. She is happy, healthy and absolutely perfect! Can't wait to start blogging about her many amazing adventures, but no promises that I'll be on here soon. Already crazy here and being a new Mom will take some practice. Love you all!

More updates later...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


still waiting!

What are you doing in there?! Can it really be so comfortable in my tummy that you are still happy?? And this week has been even quieter than last...no contractions, no more dilating, no nothing! You are keeping people waiting coast to coast and I've started checking my own facebook hourly for hopes up an update. Could you pretty please make Mommy and Daddy (and SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE) happy and come today! Or tomorrow... Monday is really just too far away. And besides, the longer you wait the shorter the time for us between now and when classes start! So make Mommy happy and come soon.

Love you more than you will ever understand (that is until you are a mom yourself) - Mom

Monday, July 12, 2010


Mommy is still only 2cm dilated .
But Bella is crammed down as low as a kid can get without being born :)
She weighs a whopping 6 lbs, 15 oz (as of today)
If she doesn't come this week, we are scheduled for an induction at 7am Monday the 19th.
She made her Daddy happy today by giving him his Father's Day present (some video game) a day before it was released to stores...but he still wants her to come NOW!
Nothing else new.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

(not so happy) due date

we have reached the end of 9 months preggo...but still no baby to show, cuddle and kiss. It's so hard not to get anxious and wonder if she will ever arrive, but I'm taking comfort in the reality that she will be here soon and our life will never be the same again! While I type Isabella is drumming on my hip bone and sticking her little bum out for everyone to see, so I know she is running out of room and ready to be here! I know that once she is here time will fly by and I'll be remembering how easy she was to care for just inside the belly! But I'm so excited to be a mom and beyond excited to see Daniel as a dad. In the last few weeks I've seen him change from being nervous to just plain ready. He talks to her all the time and wants her out as much, if not more, than me! I can't wait to see her in his arms and begin the journey of parenthood together with him. He has been an amazing, loving, perfect husband and daddy-to-be throughout this whole pregnancy! So, that's all for now. Just hoping that the next time I get a change to write on here I will be cuddling a newborn in my arms!

Please pray for a quick labor and healthy Bella!

Friday, July 2, 2010

well done

9 days!

I feel so overdone! Truth be told I thought pregnant women were really exaggerating when they said that the last couple weeks really drug on and laughed when they said that they felt beyond ready for their little one to come...but now I understand! I have literally been begging my uterus to start causing me massive amounts of pain. I have been walking hills, eating spicy foods and "other stuff" all in hopes of bringing this baby home ASAP. Not only do I feel like this belly will be the death of me, Bella has taken to kickboxing my insides to the point of severe pain. I never could have imagined how such little arms and legs could rip into my sides and separate my ribs. Ugh.

To make matters even more pleasant, Dr. Bohmer says that she has already dropped down into my pelvis and he can feel her head, so NO relief for mom in site from "lightening." She must be tall and really enjoying her current footrest on my poor lungs! At our visit Tuesday we also learned that I am 70%+ effaced and 2cm dilated, so at least she is making some progress! I only wish that meant she was guarenteed to come any time, instead of still playing the guessing game till we pass our due date. Dr says that if I don't go into labor by Tuesday, that will be my last visit/check up and there is a possibility that he will want to induce (depending on how far along we are then), otherwise it will be a waiting game some more till the 11th and after that, if I haven't gone on my own, he will want to have me induced a couples days after that. Either way, the positive side is we will have a baby guarenteed in the next 12 days. Pray for sooner!

Check out the belly at 38 weeks, 5 days
Hoping to have some beautiful baby photos up soon... Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Monday, June 28, 2010

13 days...

It's getting close! We have crossed the "two weeks till" date and are headed for our 38th week appointment tomorrow afternoon. I didn't update on last week, but according to Dr. Bohmer Isabella is growing perfectly and he guesses she is about 7lbs right now. I haven't gained much weight (only a few lbs) in the last month and I am still itty-bitty compared to everyone else I have seen in the office who is 8.5 months along, but I'm thankful! We have been so blessed to have no complications with this pregnancy, so far and I hope that means a quick and "easy" labor.

I can't remember if I posted about it yet, but the week before last (so week 36) we had a bit of false labor and they had me come into the hospital to be monitored for a while. It was all a false alarm, but a great practice run! In light of that this past week the doctor talked to us about the issue of our living an hour from the hospital and the chance of my having a very quick labor. He said that if I am more than a couple cm dilated this week, he would be willing to schedule an induction for next week (the week of the 4th) instead of risking a fast labor. Daniel is much more worried that I am, so I am siding against the induction, but for his sake we have been talking about it and will talk more to Dr B tomorrow about pros and cons. I'll keep you all posted!

Needless to say, regardless of an induction or completely natural birth, we are more than ready for our little girl to make her grand arrival. The sooner the better!

More soon...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I won't be able to write much here tonight, but I am going to try a beginning and maybe add on over the next few days or weeks. I know Bella won't get to ever meet her, but my Nana was one of the most wonderful, loving, strong and wise grandmothers anyone could ever ask for! She left us knowing that she was about to have her first great-granddaughter and I know that made her incredibly happy. But since Bella won't ever get to meet her face to face, I wanted to write about some of my favorite memories of Nana for her to read one day. I am so thankful for the fact that she was able to be with me for so many years and wonderful memories, like my wedding day and to hear Daniel and I announce that we were having a little girl. I know Nana already loved Bella and I want my daughter to know that from her mom first hand...

To begin: pictures of Daniel and I with Nana and Bunka on our wedding day 1/2/10
more later...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

some photos

As promised...
here are some photos from the shower, of Bella's room, of me recently and of our little home! Enjoy!

look at her cute little door knobs!a sweet little blanket given to Bella at the shower....
my old dresser vamped up for Bella...stacked high with all her pretty things!
a packed wardrobe (another freebie!) that Becca K and I painted and Daniel installed a light inside...I love it!
view from the doorway, that window is the last little project- needs curtains and blinds.
looking around the room some more.... look at her beautiful crib (Daniel's dad made it) and the changing table from Aunt Lydia

Pictures from my shower-- thanks Gail, Suzie and Jane! Also, notice the beautiful crib build for Bella by Daniel's dad...

a street near our home...
our little bungalow!
getting ready for Dee Dee's wedding...(thanks Jennifer!)
Daniel and Me on our last "babyless" vacation

A family photo... with Baby on the way :)

Well, that's good for now! I can't wait to start posting pictures of her instead!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

so much to update with so little time left!

Sorry for my long absence! With the end of school came a series of weeks unpacking and preparing Bella's beautiful nursery. My nesting instincts really kicked in after I finished stressing over finals and moving! We have (nearly) everything we need for her upcoming arrival and her room looks awesome! (I will post some pictures soon, I have to upload all of the baby shower and recent belly photos today) Speaking of the shower, it was wonderful! My mother-in-law and her sisters really went above and beyond anything I was expecting and made me feel so special :) Bella got a TON of really amazing things....and even more clothes! So, needless to say, I am working on a stack of Thank You's still! haha

Since I last wrote, we have graduated to weekly doctor's visits and so far Bella and I are doing wonderfully. She is growing every week, putting on about .5lb every week and taking up every inch of my belly. She spends her days trading time between beating my ribs and hips, sticking her bottom out for everyone to see (it is really amazing!), hicupping on my bladder (not my favorite pastime) and sleeping (the most rest I get!). It is starting to feel like she has been in me forever, now, so I am definitely ready to have her in my arms! But I know that she will come when she is ready and I'm trying not to be so anxious. Daniel says that he is nervous...but we completed our Childbirthing class with ease and besides the car seat, that we should be getting in the next week or so, we are about as ready as anyone could get. I am hoping that she holds out till her due date, but I know that babies have minds of their own!

My most recent adventures have been the random cravings for Bagel Bites and Brats- Daniel calls it my "boy in college" diet. But, thankfully, so far I haven't gained more than my 1lb/week that keeps us on schedule for a healthy baby/mommy weight. Other new things that aren't so fun are that Bella is dropping lower in my pelvis and putting a lot of pressure on my siatic nerve...my right leg has been in terrible pain for about 48 hours and doesn't look like it will be getting much better. I will talk to the doctor tomorrow and see what he thinks. Also, sleep is becoming a bit of a nightmare in that I just can get comfortable and wake about ever 45/60 minutes. Probably just a combinating of nerves and my back being sore. I really can't blame Bella because she sleeps all night long and I don't really have to pee more than normal.

Anyway, I will get on later today and post some pictures of her room. :) Time for a little house-cleaning and homework (my summer classes have already started up!)

Love ya

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Updates updates

How far along: 32 weeks, three days (week 33) - about 50 days to go!
How big around: forgot my measuring tape today, but I'm guessing around 47" (she is measuring perfect for 33 weeks according to her check up yesterday)
Total weight gain: 17lbs, My goal is 25 lbs for the whole pregnancy.
How big is baby: about 4-5lbs (goodness!) and between 18-20inches long (Birth Length!)
Maternity clothes: Yup- but at least 75% is my normal clothing that accommodates the belly well. I have some shorts/pants that are maternity though.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so great, but not horrible. A little uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: All the time! She has clear "awake" and "sleeping" cycles now and when she is awake, it gets pretty painful! I walk around with her foot in my rib, or knees in my hips or she will play "lets stretch mommy's tummy out" :) all good pain though.
Food cravings: I think we have determined that I'm craving sour cream a lot...but pretty much happy with anything these days/
Food aversions: Not really, gag-reflex is better now!
Belly button: it is totally flat, but i don't think it will ever "pop"- we shall see!
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Becca and Paul this weekend! And the baby shower Sunday...and entering the countdown of weekly dr visits
Weekly wisdom: No TV is pretty good for my marriage. :)
Weekly joy: Bella is strong and healthy...Daniel is almost done with school...only 6 more weeks of work for me!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

summer (kinda) finally!

so it's been another 3 weeks since my last post.. but finals are finally over! and I seem to have had a good year... thought I made it out with all A's but one teacher, who will from this point forward be called butthead...just kidding, sorta, well anyway... one class ended up as a B. Still not bad though.. I'm happy. :)

Bella is getting stronger and stronger these days with very clear sleeping and awake times. She doesn't bother me much at night, which is wonderful, but my back is getting worse. It's all expected though, as she puts on more and more weight and starts to settle down further.

Also since my last post Daniel and I have moved to our little house in Troy. Until Bella gets a little closer, I'm still having to drive my extra long commute 4 or 5 days a week, but I try to sleep with a friend in Charlotte a couple times a week to lessen the load when I can stand to spend the night away from Daniel. The house has come together rather well and I would love to own one like it one day. It's small, but really a good size for the three of us. Bella's room is the last big project to tackle and hopefully after the shower this weekend we can do that some more. I'm most excited to see what the crib looks like!

Anyway, computer is about to die. I will post after Wednesday's doctor's appointment and put up photos of the house and crib after the weekend. :)

sorry it was kinda sort and boring- Bella is kicking like crazy right now, though! love-us

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

long overdue (again!)

friends and family... SORRY! I have been way out of touch these last couple weeks. With final exams breathing down my neck and a move fully underway, I've had less than a little time for fun things like updating here. In the meantime between my last post and today we have had two doctor's appointments (we are down to one every-other-week until the beginning of June, then every week. yay.) and both visits went great. She is growing perfectly and so am I. :) I acutually went down some in weight, which wasn't really good or bad, I'm still doing fine at having gained 15 lbs total. Dr just told me that I need to gain a pound a week on average until the end to reach my goal. I'm not really trying to do anything differently though, since my body and Bella seem to be handling things fine on their own.

In other news, it has been a rough past couple weeks for my family in general. About a week and a half ago my Nana was told that she has a large tumor on her right Kidney and has since been referred to the BEST doctors for treatment. They have had to perform a small surgery to release toxins from her bile duct (on Friday this past week) and we are waiting for an exact date (this week, we hope) for the surgery to remove the tumor. On the positive side, she is feeling a little better with the nourishment from the feeding tube (also inserted Friday) and the doctor said that she believes the
tumor is encased. Which basically means it has not spread into the lymph nodes, just pressing out onto all the other organs, etc. However, she won't know the for a fact until they get in a see during surgery. Things to pray for are that the air in her abdomen subsides and stops hurting her and that surgery is scheduled for this week and goes perfectly. When all this was found out, my whole family (minus David and me) drove to VA to be with her...along with my aunts and uncles from their homes in various states. In short- they gathered fast and are all staying close to Nana and Bunka for all the support they can muster. It will be a rough next few days and weeks..and months, but we are all praying for the best and a fast recovery.

To top that off, my Dad's mom (Grandma Julie) also had surgery this past week (on Friday) for her neck/back. She is in a little pain from post-surgery and lower medication, but doing well. Say a prayer that she keeps recovering well, too!

Last bit of family updates are that my sister (Beca) sprained her ankle (must have gotten those bad ankles from Dad, like me...thanks!) and the family car is acting up. They all were stranded in Charlotesville for a day/night while visiting Nana! Whew! I think that's it though...

So... Bella news isn't so exciting these weeks. Besides getti
ng bigger and stronger, she is doing perfectly. I'm getting pretty miserable at night. Sleep is more like a series of naps and the backpain is becoming frustrating, but it's all to be expected! Bella is getting cramped and really starting to battle my insides... Daniel is able to see her kick out a foot or fist or head every day during at least one of her "fits." Most of the time it doens't hurt me, but sometimes I get a rude punch/kick to my bladder, hips or ribs. She is also definitely responding to music and Daddy's voice...sqirms like crazy during church worship and when Daddy talks to her. :) The last bit of my pregnancy sorrows is the fact that my brain, usually sharp and on top of it all, is totally failing me. I truly respect moms who manage to do this with other kids in the house... I swear I would have left mine at a store by now, or something like that. on accident that is...geeze.

Well, the other baby in my life (Lon Lon) is dying for a nap....wish I could join her today, but I'm way behind on homework for tomorrow. So I better get going...

Love you all- updates again, soon. Bye!

OH- I almost forgot. I cut my hair. :) Hope you like it... well, even if you dont. I love it. I looks a little different today because I didn't straighten the whole thing....but here is the curly (a-natural) look.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

third trimester, so deserving of an update!

welcome, welcome, WELCOME to the THIRD TRIMESTER! :) With two down and only one to go, we have crossed a huge milestone with Baby Bella. I figured it would be best to start off with an update on us both and a new photo. So here goes:

How far along:
27 weeks, two days (week 28) THIRD TRIMESTER!
How big around: 43" I added this one because I'd like to keep track of "belly inches" till she comes.
Total weight gain: 14lbs (give or take a few, it seems.) My goal is 25 lbs for the whole pregnancy.
How big is baby: about 2lbs (goodness!) and between 14-16inches long.
Maternity clothes: Yup- but at least 50% is my normal clothing that accommodates the belly well. Pretty much just needing pants in maternity.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so great, but not horrible. A little uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: Yes, all day. Pretty much resting for 45mins at a time, then back to kicking and rolling.
Food cravings: Not really, just get in the mood for certain things at random times. Hungry much more often though!
Food aversions: Not really, still a terrible gag-reflex in the morning. The stuffy nose doesn't help.
Belly button: it is totally flat, but not "popped out" yet.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting through finals and the move, less than 4 weeks left in our apartment!
Weekly wisdom: Sleep can do wonders for the soul.
Weekly joy: Feeling our little Isabella all day long as my gentle (well, sometimes) and comforting reminder that all the chaos of the last 6 months will be well worth it in just a few more.

Doctor's appointments have gone down to every other week, so another visit next week. I have to take the glucose test (for gestational diabetes) this time, too. Hopefully I pass with flying colors! Other than that, Daniel and I have been busy packing up the apartment and moving things to the storage building at the house. We get the keys this Thursday and will start painting Bella's room and moving bigger stuff this weekend (and every other weekend) till we are officially out of the apartment May 8. Then the countdown will really be rolling!! I'm looking forward to the move, because it will mean so much more time for Daniel in the mornings and after practices, but I'm not looking forward to the drive for myself in May and June while I'm still working and taking classes. I will probably be crashing in Charlotte at a friend's place a couple nights a week. Praise God for good friends!

Well, I am amidst writing a 10pg+ research paper that is due tomorrow (maybe Bella won't inherit my procrastination when it comes to homework), so I better get back to work. Thanks for the love and support. If anyone wants to come and help us move over the next few weekends- you're welcome! haha

love, us

Monday, April 5, 2010

less than 100 days left

another monthly appointment today! now we are down to going every two weeks for the next couple months (the last 4 weeks it's every week)...It seems like we have been doing these appointments forever! Nothing very special about this week, just a general check up with measurements and a listen in on her with the Doppler. She (or my uterus rather) is measuring a perfect 26" for our 26 weeks past and she has a very strong heartbeat. During the whole listen in, she was pushing against the mike and wiggling around. Dr Bohmer laughed at how active she was and said she was definitely an active baby! For emphasis, before he was done, she gave a giant kick. :) And I was afraid she would be a shy girl today, I should have known she would show off her new skills. On the negative side for me, I seem to be gaining weight like no other. I'm up nearly 18lbs and if I don't slow down to 1lb a week I will be over my goal for the pregnancy. I don't really know what I can be doing differently, though. I'm eating healthy, about 90% of the time, and getting alot of walking in everyday. I could add more exercising in, but that blessed time-factor never seems to work in my favor. Hopefully as this school year winds down it will get better. But for now, I'm just going to keep doing my yoga and sign up for a weekend Prenatal Yoga class that I've heard is really good.

well, Daddy's car isn't starting and he is stuck out in Albemarle. One more thing to add to our mess of a day. Gotta go out and rescue him. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

short update


This week, according to our many books, Bella is opening her eyes and can tell the difference between light and dark. :) Even though her home isn't much to look at, she can tell when bright lights shine down onto her. The books suggested that we perform a little test by shining a flashlight into my tummy and see if she responds in any way. SO, last night Daniel and I did and she immediately punched the light. HA! It was so amazing... I mean, the poor thing was probably thinking "here I am just hanging out and these crazy people start shining light in my new eyes!" But really, how could we resist? I never really thought it would work, but there was no doubting it. We even moved the light and Daniel felt right under it- and she punched it again! haha "Mom- get that out of my eyes!" One day I will tell her that it was all because we loved her so much and couldn't get enough of her interacting with us. I've also started reading to her and think we will pick out some songs to play (that we won't get sick of), There are a few theories that the music babies hear in utero will sooth them as babies. Anyway, better go. Mom and Dad are leaving for their cruise tonight and I have some work to do before I adopt Rebeca and Joel till the weekend. One last Easter without our little one! Just 101 days till her due date, too. It will be here before we know it. Love you all and thanks for keeping up with our blog.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

an adorable first

So baby Bella had her first bout with the hiccups today. So cute! Daniel laid his head on my belly to listen to her and got to feel and hear them for a while. I felt bad for her because the little thing is just trying to practice breathing! :) It was definitely cute, though. One day I will have to teach her my favorite way to cure the hiccups...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

long overdue

SORRY! I'm long overdue on an update and it just goes to show how my past week (and more) has been. Bella will just have to fill in the blank spaces with "mommy was running around like a crazy person" :)

So now, for the update: Been feeling pretty well these days. A little insecure about how much weight I'm gaining, but since I can't see it anywhere but my now soccer ball-sized belly I'm taking refuge in the fact that she is to blame and all is well. Still, I'm pretty much avoiding looking at a scale between doctor's visits. I guess that is normal. Bella is getting more and more active every day. It is amazing and exciting and wondrous how she is curled up inside me. She is doing the "typical" activities it seems, like getting more active when I eat or drink (I think it is from the sudden surge of energy or my blood sugar going on) and when I'm still in the morning or night. Thankfully she isn't waking me up during the night yet, but speaking of sleeping- it's getting no so fun these days. This week I've started having cramps in my calves, apparently also normal because of how she is pinching off my blood flow or something, and yesterday I had one so terrible I screamed out loud for a good 45 seconds. Daniel was terrified because I hung up on him as I started screaming. :p But it went away eventually. Now I'm just left with an extra sore leg. I have been trying to get more potassium and stretch before bed in hopes of helping them get any worse, but I think it's all just part of accommodating Bella's daily growth.

Now that the weather is getting beautiful I've started jogging again, which I didn't think I would be able to do since I'm lugging extra baggage around, but it's really not so bad. Cayla likes it so much more than walking and I think it's helping with my energy level. It feels so great to walk and jog and stretch after a really long day. Just need the rain to hold off on the weekends so I can get my sun tan started. I plan on rockin' some two-pieces this summer :)

Next week we have another appointment for Bella, 26 weeks down/14 to go! Daniel won't be able to make it, but since it's just a quick check-up I think it's fine. No more ultrasounds for a month or two unless they see something they might need it for, but we can hear her heartbeat just by putting an ear to my belly now! I think that is so cool! Thanks for all the love and support from everyone. I got some not so good school-related news this past week and have been kinda down in the dumps about it, but I know that everything will work out great and God is totally in control.

Here is a basic overlook at things thus far- love you all!

How far along: 24 weeks, four days (week 25)
Total weight gain: Not sure really, 7 as of March 3 but it's probably closer to 14 now. :-x
How big is baby: about 2lbs (goodness!) and between 12-14inches long. How she fits, I don't know.
Maternity clothes: Yup, well, kinda... I got some skirts and tops from 'regular' stores that accommodate a belly very nicely, but with jeans/shorts I've had to order some real maternity stuff. it's not bad looking, skinny and tight to balance out the belly :) And I've gone up another bra size. yay.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so good. Pretty uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: Yes, all day and especially at night. She moves around like crazy when I'm sitting still and rolls around. It's amazing and weird and adorable. I can see her moving under my skin clearly now.
Food cravings: Not really, just get in the mood for certain things at random times. Hungry much more often though!
Food aversions: Not really, still a terrible gag-reflex in the morning. The stuffy nose doesn't help.
Belly button: almost flat, then I guess it will make it's way out. Daniel thinks its the coolest thing, especially since my vitiligo makes it white. haha
What I'm looking forward to: Getting to another milestone (third trimester) in just a few short weeks!
Weekly wisdom: Patience and love get you what you want much faster than harsh words or a quick temper.
Weekly joy: Sharing some special, and a little tearful, moments with my husband. He is an amazing, wonderful, patient, hard-working man. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Friday, March 12, 2010

desperate for sleep

two posts in 24 hours must mean something. I am not sure what it is, but I know that I am beyond tired today and I would kill for a nap. If it was just me and London today I'd be in there sleeping with her, but the other kids came home early today from school and are on Spring Break next week. I will have all three of them Tuesday/Friday...*sigh* So exhausted just thinking of that.

This job makes me appreciate so much, really, but most of all it makes me appreciate my mother. I don't honestly know how she raised 3 and 4 little ones all day long without locking at least a couple in closets till Dad got home. And since we never starved, always had clothes to ware, learned to read, and had a relatively clean home for all those years I really don't know how she did it.

Maybe it is different when they are yours and you don't have homework and your own house to think of cleaning when you leave theirs, but the last thing I want to do today is clean up, do dishes and put away laundry. Alas, it all has to get done here and there (our apartment). I'm excited to see how hard or easy is it to only have Bella around and our things to worry over after two years of helping maintain two homes. Don't get me wrong, I love this family like my own and would do anything for them! I just need a break.

I think Bella is tired today, too. She hasn't been moving hardly at all. Usually I feel her all day now, which is amazingly wonderful, but not so much this afternoon. Maybe if I get a good dinner in me and catch up on homework I will be more relaxed. I know my stress level isn't good for her. I shouldn't be this worn out on Spring Break... maybe it is almost better for me not to have any down time to think about how tired I am!

So, better go and stop dwelling. I found a maternity dress for my cousin's wedding that I think will be pretty and work nicely. And in the process found a brand of maternity clothes that I really like and will probably do some internet shopping for a few pieces later this weekend. IF I get my homework done. 5 assignments due Monday. eek. Anyway, gotta go. Clean up time with the kidos...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

downhill from here

These photos are of me and my London (2 on this Saturday!). She loves playing with my Mac Photo Booth and when she saw me taking some new pictures of my belly, she joined in. How stinking cute is that?

Hello everyone! So we have successfully crossed the halfway point and are 3 weeks down the other side. Only 17 weeks left till Bella is due to make her appearance! This past week has been heaven, mostly. On spring break from classes (so nice), but I didn't think were taking as much of a tole on me mentally until I didn't have to worry about getting to them and finishing homework. I would have thought work was the worst part, but I guess not! I still have a paper to write and one last midterm to study for, both for Monday, and some articles to read/summarize for Monday, too. Hoping to get that done today and tomorrow since this weekend has been named "date weekend" for Daniel and I.

We had planned to start Friday night, but he has
a make-up day for school and I've got all three kids till 5ish. Needless to say, we will probably eat in and be lazy (while I finish homework) and wake up Saturday morning whenever we feel like it. The plan is to have a good, hearty breakfast in bed and take Cayla on a long walk. Then we have some things to take to Plato's Closet (make $ we hope!) before our massages at 2:00 :) I'm so excited. After that, goodness knows if I will want to do anything at all, but we have planned to go Put-Put Golfing in Concord and see an early movie (Alice). Besides that, probably cook on the grill if the weather is nice and spend the rest of the evening staring into each others' eyes... juuuust kidding. That's just weird. All-in-all I am expecting a great, relaxing, cherish-the-days-before-a-baby time.

In other news, I feel like I am growing an inch
a day this month. Last month the growth was kinda sudden and went from 'nothing' to 'something'....but I feel rounder and heavier every morning now. See photos :) And note, I am totally embarressed to be showing one "bare belly," but you can almost see how much she's grown better that way. Also take into account that my boobs (sorry dad) have gone up TWO sizes... so yeah. Enjoy. <3

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

stupid uncc

if i fall and hit anything even close to my belly, I'm suing UNCC for everything they're worth.
stupid idiots for not closing campus.

Friday, February 26, 2010

the battles of midway

With both baby and school we have reached the ever-so-pivotal point of halfway. As I exit my half-way (20 weeks done!) mark with Bella and cram my brain with information for midterms next week, I am stressed and very excited to pass this milestone with not much terrible to say of the last 20 weeks. It is amazing that I am halfway done with this semester, just cross your fingers that I will finish my papers on time, and am nearly done with my BA. With the belly, it wasn't so great in the beginning and still sucks that my gag-reflex can be triggered by a stuffy nose, but Bella really has treated her mommy with care.

Speaking of how she is treating me, she has really taken to kicking up a storm about once an hour. For 20 mins or so, sometimes more, she does a distracting dance of punches and twists that do nothing for my homework load, but stop me in my tracks in amazement and awe. Last night Daniel got to experience one of these cherished moments with me, too, which was neat because it seems that every time I say- "come feel her!" that is her cue to stop moving completely. Such a sweet, cooperative nature our baby girl has already, hmm? But last night he did catch her kicking over and over before she noticed she was being "watched." I can only hope she isn't so shy for the doctors on Wednesday, though. We (my mom and I) are headed in for the 5 month check-up and they need to get pictures of her spine. Which means getting Bella to 1. straighten out, 2. move around and 3. stop moving in the right places. We shall see.

In the mean time, between now and that (hopefully productive) appointment, I have 2 papers, a project, a test to study for, and about 100 pages of reading to do. Needless to say, I'm not quite done with my midway battle yet. Check in Wednesday though for an update on midterms and Bella. We should have some very new pictures to share.

love to you all and happy Friday!

PS. in case you can't tell from the picture, i've BLOWN UP this month. gained about 8 lbs it seems... hopefully just a growth spurt and not a sign for pace to come. lol

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a week of firsts

so this has been our week of firsts...
-first test of the spring for me
-first day of baseball for daniel
-first trip to VA with Bella
-first time Daniel got to feel Bella kicking (he was SO excited!)
-first time visiting David (for 5 whole minutes) at Campbell
-first week I have really wanted to quit school.... (too much to do...)

Besides that, it has been a normally insane, crazy week. I am over 100 pages behind in my readings... more like 200, probably, and have a paper due tomorrow. And March 1st. And March 15th...and in between.

On a happier note, my amazing sister Beca has come to help me with little London today. So I've actually gotten my first assignment of the morning done (yay!) and am going to move on to reading the rest of my first 100 pages (so I can start essay #2). Bella has been kicking all morning, which is my little reminder that all this will be worth it to give her the best life possible. But for now, my tiny break is over and I best get started on the next thing.

love and updates soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

update at the half-way point...

How far along: 19 weeks, one day (week 20)
Total weight gain: Still not gained any extra so far, but back at 0 from weight loss in ist
How big is baby: about 10 inches, 9-10oz (the size of a large melon)
Maternity clothes: Had to get a pair of jeans this week, but found a style that doesn't involved an elastic/tub thing. Also upgraded in bra size again and into some cute maternity tops that aren't tents
Stretch marks: None...thanks to lotion, i think.
Sleep: Not so great, this weekend especially since I've been away from home, but I'm just really uncomfortable it seems....
Movement: Yes, all day and especially at night. She moves around like crazy when I'm sitting still and rolls around. It's amazing and weird and adorable.
Food cravings: All the time, but constantly changing. I can pretty much always to clam chowder.
Food aversions: Not really, but I'm still having a lot of trouble with smells making me gag like NO other.
Belly button: no change yet
What I'm looking forward to: Daniel being able to feel her move and getting through this semester...
Weekly wisdom: Be in the moment! I know we will miss the days when feedings meant feeding mommy and going to the store didn't require a pack-mule.
Weekly joy: getting to see my family and best friends in VA, and having a "permanent" belly.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Goodmorning. So it's been a week...sorry! I have been pretty busy with homework and work and getting ready for traveling this weekend. Plus this past weekend was my birthday and Daniel threw a really great surprise dinner party for me with some of my favorite people. :) It was the perfect way to celebrate. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts, I love you all!

As far as me and Bella go, we are doing well. I've been tired this week and even though I know I should be eating more these days, I am so uninterested in food that I'm hardly eating enough. I'm worried that Bella isn't getting enough, so I am really trying to force myself into eating more. Not eating so much is probably why I have been so tired as well, but I'm working on it.

On a more positive note, she seems to have grown double overnight. My belly is sticking out to the point where even a hoodie is barely hiding it! It's exciting, a little uncomfortable and will take some getting used to! Daniel keeps reminding me that it is going going to get worse! :) I have also been able to feel her a great deal these days. She moves pretty much all day long, off and on, but a lot during the afternoon and at night during my 6-9 classes.

One last thing is that JUST FROM hand-me-downs from Merrisa/London, this child as more clothing than me! She is already taking over the spare room. I keep telling Daniel, "no more clothes!"-- but I can hardly keep myself from looking. I just hope that we can get enough of all the other things she will need, besides clothes!

This past weekend Daniel and I also settled on a place to rent starting in April/May. It is this adorable, and kinda tiny, brick bungalo next to a big church. It is really cute inside and really only has some problems in the bathroom and kitchen. Hopefully we can do some thing to help make those easier to live with. The church owns the house and has said that anything we want to do to make it better, we are welcome. It is only about 5 minutes from Daniel's work/my parents, too. I am so ready to be there and done with this semester! I will send some pictures next time we go see it. :)

Well I better get going. I have some papers to write over the next few weeks, so no promises I will be back on here any time soon. :) Anything fun happens, you'll be the first to know.

love, us

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

it's a girl!

Mommy was right.....
it's a GIRL!
just got home from the doctor and so excited to know our little gummy bear looks like a little lady now :) she was curled up with her feet by her head during the entire exam (we have to go back in a month to measure her spine because she wouldn't unfold!), but they said that everything looks perfect and she is developing wonderfully.
here is a photo of her tiny crossed feet- how stinking cute is that?
this is a side view of her. you can see her little feet sticking up in front her of face...
and in this one she looks like she is sucking on her thumb, feet still perched up in front of her...
Doctor says that she is already 7oz! Next month we will have more photos. :) updates soon.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

day 4

hello! so it is a beautiful Thursday afternoon and I'm actually sitting at home procrastinating on my homework. It has been a day full of surprises (some not so good, nothing for you to worry about though), but I've added one more thing to our future nursery: a rocker-glider! (thanks Merrisa!) I am in the process of looking for some replacement cushions, because they are currently a bluejean style and I'd like something a little more modern, but I'm so excited to save the money on such a key piece! Hopefully starting next weekend we will be able to go shopping for some things to start a registry and get our first "baby-boy/girl-specific" item. :)

I guess this will be a short post this afternoon, since I am a few hours from my first class of the day and I need to get a bit of my homework done ;) Things to keep in mind though:

1. the baby can hear everything these days! SO- Daniel has started randomly talking to his kid, which I think is totally adorable and sweet.
2. getting excited for next Wednesday! Daniel and I are headed to our second big prenatal appointment and second ultrasound. Hopefully I will be posting BOY or GIRL before lunch. YAY!
3. Next Friday is my birthday. So...that's that.

That's it for now. We will talk to you soon!

Love- me and baby

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

me and baby update

Stole this from a friend who is due only one day before me! :) Thanks Mere!

How far along: 16 weeks, 2 days (week 17)
Total weight gain: Well, since I lost about 11 during weeks 9-13 and I've gained back 8. I'm at -3
How big is baby: about 5 inches/4oz (ish), the size of an avocado
Maternity clothes: My mother-in-law gave me some great tops (mostly "normal" ones but they work as maternity ones wonderfully!) besides that, I tried on some jeans but I'm not big enough yet. Pretty much in love with rubber bands, my BellaBand and sweats!
Stretch marks: Nope! Started using some awesome lotion (thanks mom-in-law!) already though.
Sleep: Doing much better now that I'm not up peeing a couple times a night, but my back is pretty stiff/sore so it's not the best sleep. Expecting it to only get worse though :/
Movement: Yes! Been hard to pinpoint, but I'm pretty positive I have felt it move at night a few times in the last couple days. Daniel is anxious for his turn soon!
Food cravings: All the time, but constantly changing. Only really consistent thing is salty foods.
Food aversions: Not really, but I'm still having a lot of trouble with smells making me gag like NO other. Almost worse than just throwing up. Pretty much can't open the pantry...
Belly button: no change yet
What I'm looking forward to: seeing the baby again next week and picking out things for the nursery.
Weekly wisdom: Be in the moment! I know we will miss the days when feedings meant feeding mommy and going to the store didn't require a pack-mule.
Weekly joy: Feeling the fishy in my belly and deciding to rent a home by our parents for a year!

day 3

So I dropped off the train already! Or fell off the bike or out of the boat....whatever. Point is, I'm back. The past 10 days have been wild and crazy, but I'm in a surprisingly good mood and very relaxed! Homework has taken over most all of my spare time, but thankfully house hunting is over (for this year) so I have my weekends back. Daniel and I did an overhaul on our apartment this weekend and spent some time watching football with friends. All in all it was a great weekend and I was thankful for the break.

On the baby side of things, I feel like I have grown 3 inches around this week and I am more than filling out a C-cup (amazing!). Most of my shirts are tight around the belly (which, to me still looks too much like a spare tire instead of a baby-bump), but Daniel swears I look like a "momma" already. The other very exciting thing is that I that I have been able to feel the baby moving in the last couple days. Once or twice before bed, if I'm laying still and quiet I can feel what I can only describe as a fish doing somersaults in my lower tummy. It's hard to catch and it rarely comes again right after, so not much chance for feeling it from the outside yet. Daniel tried to feel it on Sunday night and we thinkthink we could feel him/her moving- but again, it's so hard to pinpoint it since we don't really know what to look or feel for yet. Hopefully in the next couple weeks it will get more clear and strong.

Only 8 days till we go to our next ultrasound to see if he/she will cooperate and let us know if we are waiting for Jackson or Isabella! My gut (no pun intended) thinks it will be a girl, but I will be so darn excited either way. We are praying whoever it is spreads wide so we can do some shopping over my birthday weekend. :)

The other interesting thing is that apparently this kid LOVES salt. I have been craving all things saltly and sodium filled. Pretzels have been high on the list, but yesterday I wanted Chinese so badly I ordered about $30 worth of delivery between work and class. Daniel died laughing when he got home. I guess he figured I was exaggerating when I said I was really really hungry when I ordered and we would have Chinese for a week. I wasn't kidding.

I better go now, though, because Lon is having a bad day. She is sick and clingly and I better give her some love before she cries again. Since my little baby is hearing clearly now, I don't need two cranky babies around! Love you all. I'll do my best to get back on here soon...

Friday, January 15, 2010

day 2

176 days to go. seems like forever, but so did waiting for my high school graduation, wedding day and Florida vacation. But in the end, each of those came in their own sweet time, quickly passed and are now memories on my digital camera (note to self: get those printed sometime before I'm 30). I guess I am in the mood to think about how much time I have, and in other ways don't have, right now. For every that I have on my "To Do ASAP" list there are at least as many on my "...days till" side. In the meantime of waiting for the latter to hurry up and get here, I celebrate checking one more thing off my list and getting one more step closer. Today I checked of a few things already! For example, this. Check! I've also finished one homework assignment (of 12)- but still, Check! And I've done laundry; granted it is someone else's, but I did it. Check.

Going back to the 176 days and counting till our due date, I am reminded of my mom's go-to-advice for me: "you're going to miss this." And I'm positive she is right, especially now that I am done throwing up my oatmeal and am back to craving mint-chocolate-chip ice cream constantly. I will probably greatly miss the days were all I had to do was work and classes and homework. I will definitely miss calling my landlord when something breaks. The list could go on. Thus making my point that there will be many, many things that I will miss about only being a nanny, student, office assistant, and wife. And yet, I can't describe how much I am looking forward to adding 'mom' to my bag of tricks (and Ima to my mother's).

Well, I have to run. Lon has woken up and needs help making her noodles "not hot." :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

day 1

I won't be here but for a second. Mostly because I'm starving and really want to eat lunch and have an excuse to watch some Fox.com instead of reading for class. But also because this is my first post in a while and I want to set the bar really, really low for the rest. You understand. So, to sum things up, I am nearly in my 16th week of pregnancy. Daniel is getting so excited to be able to start feeling the baby soon. On Feb 3rd, a few weeks from yesterday, we are going in for our second ultrasound to (hopefully) find out if our little one is a boy or girl! Most people are guessing girl, besides Daniel and my uncle Bob. Daniel wants a boy because, well, it would be a boy! I not-so-secretly think that it is more because having a girl scares him shitless. Uncle Bob thinks it's a boy because, I quote, "I just can't imagine Caly having a boy. She is too much of a brute, too macho." WTH does that mean? I know he meant it all in the best sense. I guess my athletic background and ability to kick his butt in backyard football just says, "mother of boys" to him. Either way, we will the the happiest, most overjoyed and totally excited parents of whatever child we have.

Better go eat. This kid is craving something salty.