How far along: 27 weeks, two days (week 28) THIRD TRIMESTER!
How big around: 43" I added this one because I'd like to keep track of "belly inches" till she comes.
Total weight gain: 14lbs (give or take a few, it seems.) My goal is 25 lbs for the whole pregnancy.
How big is baby: about 2lbs (goodness!) and between 14-16inches long.
Maternity clothes: Yup- but at least 50% is my normal clothing that accommodates the belly well. Pretty much just needing pants in maternity.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so great, but not horrible. A little uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: Yes, all day. Pretty much resting for 45mins at a time, then back to kicking and rolling.
Food cravings: Not really, just get in the mood for certain things at random times. Hungry much more often though!
Food aversions: Not really, still a terrible gag-reflex in the morning. The stuffy nose doesn't help.
Belly button: it is totally flat, but not "popped out" yet.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting through finals and the move, less than 4 weeks left in our apartment!
Weekly wisdom: Sleep can do wonders for the soul.
Weekly joy: Feeling our little Isabella all day long as my gentle (well, sometimes) and comforting reminder that all the chaos of the last 6 months will be well worth it in just a few more.
Doctor's appointments have gone down to every other week, so another visit next week. I have to take the glucose test (for gestational diabetes) this time, too. Hopefully I pass with flying colors! Other than that, Daniel and I have been busy packing up the apartment and moving things to the storage building at the house. We get the keys this Thursday and will start painting Bella's room and moving bigger stuff this weekend (and every other weekend) till we are officially out of the apartment May 8. Then the countdown will really be rolling!! I'm looking forward to the move, because it will mean so much more time for Daniel in the mornings and after practices, but I'm not looking forward to the drive for myself in May and June while I'm still working and taking classes. I will probably be crashing in Charlotte at a friend's place a couple nights a week. Praise God for good friends!
Well, I am amidst writing a 10pg+ research paper that is due tomorrow (maybe Bella won't inherit my procrastination when it comes to homework), so I better get back to work. Thanks for the love and support. If anyone wants to come and help us move over the next few weekends- you're welcome! haha
love, us
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