I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

short update


This week, according to our many books, Bella is opening her eyes and can tell the difference between light and dark. :) Even though her home isn't much to look at, she can tell when bright lights shine down onto her. The books suggested that we perform a little test by shining a flashlight into my tummy and see if she responds in any way. SO, last night Daniel and I did and she immediately punched the light. HA! It was so amazing... I mean, the poor thing was probably thinking "here I am just hanging out and these crazy people start shining light in my new eyes!" But really, how could we resist? I never really thought it would work, but there was no doubting it. We even moved the light and Daniel felt right under it- and she punched it again! haha "Mom- get that out of my eyes!" One day I will tell her that it was all because we loved her so much and couldn't get enough of her interacting with us. I've also started reading to her and think we will pick out some songs to play (that we won't get sick of), There are a few theories that the music babies hear in utero will sooth them as babies. Anyway, better go. Mom and Dad are leaving for their cruise tonight and I have some work to do before I adopt Rebeca and Joel till the weekend. One last Easter without our little one! Just 101 days till her due date, too. It will be here before we know it. Love you all and thanks for keeping up with our blog.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

an adorable first

So baby Bella had her first bout with the hiccups today. So cute! Daniel laid his head on my belly to listen to her and got to feel and hear them for a while. I felt bad for her because the little thing is just trying to practice breathing! :) It was definitely cute, though. One day I will have to teach her my favorite way to cure the hiccups...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

long overdue

SORRY! I'm long overdue on an update and it just goes to show how my past week (and more) has been. Bella will just have to fill in the blank spaces with "mommy was running around like a crazy person" :)

So now, for the update: Been feeling pretty well these days. A little insecure about how much weight I'm gaining, but since I can't see it anywhere but my now soccer ball-sized belly I'm taking refuge in the fact that she is to blame and all is well. Still, I'm pretty much avoiding looking at a scale between doctor's visits. I guess that is normal. Bella is getting more and more active every day. It is amazing and exciting and wondrous how she is curled up inside me. She is doing the "typical" activities it seems, like getting more active when I eat or drink (I think it is from the sudden surge of energy or my blood sugar going on) and when I'm still in the morning or night. Thankfully she isn't waking me up during the night yet, but speaking of sleeping- it's getting no so fun these days. This week I've started having cramps in my calves, apparently also normal because of how she is pinching off my blood flow or something, and yesterday I had one so terrible I screamed out loud for a good 45 seconds. Daniel was terrified because I hung up on him as I started screaming. :p But it went away eventually. Now I'm just left with an extra sore leg. I have been trying to get more potassium and stretch before bed in hopes of helping them get any worse, but I think it's all just part of accommodating Bella's daily growth.

Now that the weather is getting beautiful I've started jogging again, which I didn't think I would be able to do since I'm lugging extra baggage around, but it's really not so bad. Cayla likes it so much more than walking and I think it's helping with my energy level. It feels so great to walk and jog and stretch after a really long day. Just need the rain to hold off on the weekends so I can get my sun tan started. I plan on rockin' some two-pieces this summer :)

Next week we have another appointment for Bella, 26 weeks down/14 to go! Daniel won't be able to make it, but since it's just a quick check-up I think it's fine. No more ultrasounds for a month or two unless they see something they might need it for, but we can hear her heartbeat just by putting an ear to my belly now! I think that is so cool! Thanks for all the love and support from everyone. I got some not so good school-related news this past week and have been kinda down in the dumps about it, but I know that everything will work out great and God is totally in control.

Here is a basic overlook at things thus far- love you all!

How far along: 24 weeks, four days (week 25)
Total weight gain: Not sure really, 7 as of March 3 but it's probably closer to 14 now. :-x
How big is baby: about 2lbs (goodness!) and between 12-14inches long. How she fits, I don't know.
Maternity clothes: Yup, well, kinda... I got some skirts and tops from 'regular' stores that accommodate a belly very nicely, but with jeans/shorts I've had to order some real maternity stuff. it's not bad looking, skinny and tight to balance out the belly :) And I've gone up another bra size. yay.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so good. Pretty uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: Yes, all day and especially at night. She moves around like crazy when I'm sitting still and rolls around. It's amazing and weird and adorable. I can see her moving under my skin clearly now.
Food cravings: Not really, just get in the mood for certain things at random times. Hungry much more often though!
Food aversions: Not really, still a terrible gag-reflex in the morning. The stuffy nose doesn't help.
Belly button: almost flat, then I guess it will make it's way out. Daniel thinks its the coolest thing, especially since my vitiligo makes it white. haha
What I'm looking forward to: Getting to another milestone (third trimester) in just a few short weeks!
Weekly wisdom: Patience and love get you what you want much faster than harsh words or a quick temper.
Weekly joy: Sharing some special, and a little tearful, moments with my husband. He is an amazing, wonderful, patient, hard-working man. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Friday, March 12, 2010

desperate for sleep

two posts in 24 hours must mean something. I am not sure what it is, but I know that I am beyond tired today and I would kill for a nap. If it was just me and London today I'd be in there sleeping with her, but the other kids came home early today from school and are on Spring Break next week. I will have all three of them Tuesday/Friday...*sigh* So exhausted just thinking of that.

This job makes me appreciate so much, really, but most of all it makes me appreciate my mother. I don't honestly know how she raised 3 and 4 little ones all day long without locking at least a couple in closets till Dad got home. And since we never starved, always had clothes to ware, learned to read, and had a relatively clean home for all those years I really don't know how she did it.

Maybe it is different when they are yours and you don't have homework and your own house to think of cleaning when you leave theirs, but the last thing I want to do today is clean up, do dishes and put away laundry. Alas, it all has to get done here and there (our apartment). I'm excited to see how hard or easy is it to only have Bella around and our things to worry over after two years of helping maintain two homes. Don't get me wrong, I love this family like my own and would do anything for them! I just need a break.

I think Bella is tired today, too. She hasn't been moving hardly at all. Usually I feel her all day now, which is amazingly wonderful, but not so much this afternoon. Maybe if I get a good dinner in me and catch up on homework I will be more relaxed. I know my stress level isn't good for her. I shouldn't be this worn out on Spring Break... maybe it is almost better for me not to have any down time to think about how tired I am!

So, better go and stop dwelling. I found a maternity dress for my cousin's wedding that I think will be pretty and work nicely. And in the process found a brand of maternity clothes that I really like and will probably do some internet shopping for a few pieces later this weekend. IF I get my homework done. 5 assignments due Monday. eek. Anyway, gotta go. Clean up time with the kidos...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

downhill from here

These photos are of me and my London (2 on this Saturday!). She loves playing with my Mac Photo Booth and when she saw me taking some new pictures of my belly, she joined in. How stinking cute is that?

Hello everyone! So we have successfully crossed the halfway point and are 3 weeks down the other side. Only 17 weeks left till Bella is due to make her appearance! This past week has been heaven, mostly. On spring break from classes (so nice), but I didn't think were taking as much of a tole on me mentally until I didn't have to worry about getting to them and finishing homework. I would have thought work was the worst part, but I guess not! I still have a paper to write and one last midterm to study for, both for Monday, and some articles to read/summarize for Monday, too. Hoping to get that done today and tomorrow since this weekend has been named "date weekend" for Daniel and I.

We had planned to start Friday night, but he has
a make-up day for school and I've got all three kids till 5ish. Needless to say, we will probably eat in and be lazy (while I finish homework) and wake up Saturday morning whenever we feel like it. The plan is to have a good, hearty breakfast in bed and take Cayla on a long walk. Then we have some things to take to Plato's Closet (make $ we hope!) before our massages at 2:00 :) I'm so excited. After that, goodness knows if I will want to do anything at all, but we have planned to go Put-Put Golfing in Concord and see an early movie (Alice). Besides that, probably cook on the grill if the weather is nice and spend the rest of the evening staring into each others' eyes... juuuust kidding. That's just weird. All-in-all I am expecting a great, relaxing, cherish-the-days-before-a-baby time.

In other news, I feel like I am growing an inch
a day this month. Last month the growth was kinda sudden and went from 'nothing' to 'something'....but I feel rounder and heavier every morning now. See photos :) And note, I am totally embarressed to be showing one "bare belly," but you can almost see how much she's grown better that way. Also take into account that my boobs (sorry dad) have gone up TWO sizes... so yeah. Enjoy. <3

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

stupid uncc

if i fall and hit anything even close to my belly, I'm suing UNCC for everything they're worth.
stupid idiots for not closing campus.