I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Updates updates

How far along: 32 weeks, three days (week 33) - about 50 days to go!
How big around: forgot my measuring tape today, but I'm guessing around 47" (she is measuring perfect for 33 weeks according to her check up yesterday)
Total weight gain: 17lbs, My goal is 25 lbs for the whole pregnancy.
How big is baby: about 4-5lbs (goodness!) and between 18-20inches long (Birth Length!)
Maternity clothes: Yup- but at least 75% is my normal clothing that accommodates the belly well. I have some shorts/pants that are maternity though.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so great, but not horrible. A little uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: All the time! She has clear "awake" and "sleeping" cycles now and when she is awake, it gets pretty painful! I walk around with her foot in my rib, or knees in my hips or she will play "lets stretch mommy's tummy out" :) all good pain though.
Food cravings: I think we have determined that I'm craving sour cream a lot...but pretty much happy with anything these days/
Food aversions: Not really, gag-reflex is better now!
Belly button: it is totally flat, but i don't think it will ever "pop"- we shall see!
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Becca and Paul this weekend! And the baby shower Sunday...and entering the countdown of weekly dr visits
Weekly wisdom: No TV is pretty good for my marriage. :)
Weekly joy: Bella is strong and healthy...Daniel is almost done with school...only 6 more weeks of work for me!

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