I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

day 1

I won't be here but for a second. Mostly because I'm starving and really want to eat lunch and have an excuse to watch some Fox.com instead of reading for class. But also because this is my first post in a while and I want to set the bar really, really low for the rest. You understand. So, to sum things up, I am nearly in my 16th week of pregnancy. Daniel is getting so excited to be able to start feeling the baby soon. On Feb 3rd, a few weeks from yesterday, we are going in for our second ultrasound to (hopefully) find out if our little one is a boy or girl! Most people are guessing girl, besides Daniel and my uncle Bob. Daniel wants a boy because, well, it would be a boy! I not-so-secretly think that it is more because having a girl scares him shitless. Uncle Bob thinks it's a boy because, I quote, "I just can't imagine Caly having a boy. She is too much of a brute, too macho." WTH does that mean? I know he meant it all in the best sense. I guess my athletic background and ability to kick his butt in backyard football just says, "mother of boys" to him. Either way, we will the the happiest, most overjoyed and totally excited parents of whatever child we have.

Better go eat. This kid is craving something salty.


  1. I'm so excited for you Caly!! Miss you!!


  2. Your mom thinks you will be a great mom! I love you.....mom
