9 days!
I feel so overdone! Truth be told I thought pregnant women were really exaggerating when they said that the last couple weeks really drug on and laughed when they said that they felt beyond ready for their little one to come...but now I understand! I have literally been begging my uterus to start causing me massive amounts of pain. I have been walking hills, eating spicy foods and "other stuff" all in hopes of bringing this baby home ASAP. Not only do I feel like this belly will be the death of me, Bella has taken to kickboxing my insides to the point of severe pain. I never could have imagined how such little arms and legs could rip into my sides and separate my ribs. Ugh.
To make matters even more pleasant, Dr. Bohmer says that she has already dropped down into my pelvis and he can feel her head, so NO relief for mom in site from "lightening." She must be tall and really enjoying her current footrest on my poor lungs! At our visit Tuesday we also learned that I am 70%+ effaced and 2cm dilated, so at least she is making some progress! I only wish that meant she was guarenteed to come any time, instead of still playing the guessing game till we pass our due date. Dr says that if I don't go into labor by Tuesday, that will be my last visit/check up and there is a possibility that he will want to induce (depending on how far along we are then), otherwise it will be a waiting game some more till the 11th and after that, if I haven't gone on my own, he will want to have me induced a couples days after that. Either way, the positive side is we will have a baby guarenteed in the next 12 days. Pray for sooner!
Check out the belly at 38 weeks, 5 days

Hoping to have some beautiful baby photos up soon... Happy 4th of July Weekend!
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