This week, according to our many books, Bella is opening her eyes and can tell the difference between light and dark. :) Even though her home isn't much to look at, she can tell when bright lights shine down onto her. The books suggested that we perform a little test by shining a flashlight into my tummy and see if she responds in any way. SO, last night Daniel and I did and she immediately punched the light. HA! It was so amazing... I mean, the poor thing was probably thinking "here I am just hanging out and these crazy people start shining light in my new eyes!" But really, how could we resist? I never really thought it would work, but there was no doubting it. We even moved the light and Daniel felt right under it- and she punched it again! haha "Mom- get that out of my eyes!" One day I will tell her that it was all because we loved her so much and couldn't get enough of her interacting with us. I've also started reading to her and think we will pick out some songs to play (that we won't get sick of), There are a few theories that the music babies hear in utero will sooth them as babies. Anyway, better go. Mom and Dad are leaving for their cruise tonight and I have some work to do before I adopt Rebeca and Joel till the weekend. One last Easter without our little one! Just 101 days till her due date, too. It will be here before we know it. Love you all and thanks for keeping up with our blog.