I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Friday, February 26, 2010

the battles of midway

With both baby and school we have reached the ever-so-pivotal point of halfway. As I exit my half-way (20 weeks done!) mark with Bella and cram my brain with information for midterms next week, I am stressed and very excited to pass this milestone with not much terrible to say of the last 20 weeks. It is amazing that I am halfway done with this semester, just cross your fingers that I will finish my papers on time, and am nearly done with my BA. With the belly, it wasn't so great in the beginning and still sucks that my gag-reflex can be triggered by a stuffy nose, but Bella really has treated her mommy with care.

Speaking of how she is treating me, she has really taken to kicking up a storm about once an hour. For 20 mins or so, sometimes more, she does a distracting dance of punches and twists that do nothing for my homework load, but stop me in my tracks in amazement and awe. Last night Daniel got to experience one of these cherished moments with me, too, which was neat because it seems that every time I say- "come feel her!" that is her cue to stop moving completely. Such a sweet, cooperative nature our baby girl has already, hmm? But last night he did catch her kicking over and over before she noticed she was being "watched." I can only hope she isn't so shy for the doctors on Wednesday, though. We (my mom and I) are headed in for the 5 month check-up and they need to get pictures of her spine. Which means getting Bella to 1. straighten out, 2. move around and 3. stop moving in the right places. We shall see.

In the mean time, between now and that (hopefully productive) appointment, I have 2 papers, a project, a test to study for, and about 100 pages of reading to do. Needless to say, I'm not quite done with my midway battle yet. Check in Wednesday though for an update on midterms and Bella. We should have some very new pictures to share.

love to you all and happy Friday!

PS. in case you can't tell from the picture, i've BLOWN UP this month. gained about 8 lbs it seems... hopefully just a growth spurt and not a sign for pace to come. lol

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

a week of firsts

so this has been our week of firsts...
-first test of the spring for me
-first day of baseball for daniel
-first trip to VA with Bella
-first time Daniel got to feel Bella kicking (he was SO excited!)
-first time visiting David (for 5 whole minutes) at Campbell
-first week I have really wanted to quit school.... (too much to do...)

Besides that, it has been a normally insane, crazy week. I am over 100 pages behind in my readings... more like 200, probably, and have a paper due tomorrow. And March 1st. And March 15th...and in between.

On a happier note, my amazing sister Beca has come to help me with little London today. So I've actually gotten my first assignment of the morning done (yay!) and am going to move on to reading the rest of my first 100 pages (so I can start essay #2). Bella has been kicking all morning, which is my little reminder that all this will be worth it to give her the best life possible. But for now, my tiny break is over and I best get started on the next thing.

love and updates soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

update at the half-way point...

How far along: 19 weeks, one day (week 20)
Total weight gain: Still not gained any extra so far, but back at 0 from weight loss in ist
How big is baby: about 10 inches, 9-10oz (the size of a large melon)
Maternity clothes: Had to get a pair of jeans this week, but found a style that doesn't involved an elastic/tub thing. Also upgraded in bra size again and into some cute maternity tops that aren't tents
Stretch marks: None...thanks to lotion, i think.
Sleep: Not so great, this weekend especially since I've been away from home, but I'm just really uncomfortable it seems....
Movement: Yes, all day and especially at night. She moves around like crazy when I'm sitting still and rolls around. It's amazing and weird and adorable.
Food cravings: All the time, but constantly changing. I can pretty much always to clam chowder.
Food aversions: Not really, but I'm still having a lot of trouble with smells making me gag like NO other.
Belly button: no change yet
What I'm looking forward to: Daniel being able to feel her move and getting through this semester...
Weekly wisdom: Be in the moment! I know we will miss the days when feedings meant feeding mommy and going to the store didn't require a pack-mule.
Weekly joy: getting to see my family and best friends in VA, and having a "permanent" belly.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Goodmorning. So it's been a week...sorry! I have been pretty busy with homework and work and getting ready for traveling this weekend. Plus this past weekend was my birthday and Daniel threw a really great surprise dinner party for me with some of my favorite people. :) It was the perfect way to celebrate. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts, I love you all!

As far as me and Bella go, we are doing well. I've been tired this week and even though I know I should be eating more these days, I am so uninterested in food that I'm hardly eating enough. I'm worried that Bella isn't getting enough, so I am really trying to force myself into eating more. Not eating so much is probably why I have been so tired as well, but I'm working on it.

On a more positive note, she seems to have grown double overnight. My belly is sticking out to the point where even a hoodie is barely hiding it! It's exciting, a little uncomfortable and will take some getting used to! Daniel keeps reminding me that it is going going to get worse! :) I have also been able to feel her a great deal these days. She moves pretty much all day long, off and on, but a lot during the afternoon and at night during my 6-9 classes.

One last thing is that JUST FROM hand-me-downs from Merrisa/London, this child as more clothing than me! She is already taking over the spare room. I keep telling Daniel, "no more clothes!"-- but I can hardly keep myself from looking. I just hope that we can get enough of all the other things she will need, besides clothes!

This past weekend Daniel and I also settled on a place to rent starting in April/May. It is this adorable, and kinda tiny, brick bungalo next to a big church. It is really cute inside and really only has some problems in the bathroom and kitchen. Hopefully we can do some thing to help make those easier to live with. The church owns the house and has said that anything we want to do to make it better, we are welcome. It is only about 5 minutes from Daniel's work/my parents, too. I am so ready to be there and done with this semester! I will send some pictures next time we go see it. :)

Well I better get going. I have some papers to write over the next few weeks, so no promises I will be back on here any time soon. :) Anything fun happens, you'll be the first to know.

love, us

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

it's a girl!

Mommy was right.....
it's a GIRL!
just got home from the doctor and so excited to know our little gummy bear looks like a little lady now :) she was curled up with her feet by her head during the entire exam (we have to go back in a month to measure her spine because she wouldn't unfold!), but they said that everything looks perfect and she is developing wonderfully.
here is a photo of her tiny crossed feet- how stinking cute is that?
this is a side view of her. you can see her little feet sticking up in front her of face...
and in this one she looks like she is sucking on her thumb, feet still perched up in front of her...
Doctor says that she is already 7oz! Next month we will have more photos. :) updates soon.