I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I can't believe it worked....

Bella is a signing machine!

It's true; she can tell me "hi" and "bye," "more" and "all done," "please," "dog," "dirty," "water" and "phone." Oh, and "milk/nurse" - pretty much her favorite sign!! :) I'm actually considering not teaching my next kid that one, it gets pret
ty abused ;) But really, she is so smart! We have little conversations back and forth now:
"Bella, are you hungry?"
- Bella signs "milk"
"Really, right now? What about water?"
- Bella signs "milk"
"What about pears? Or crackers!?"
- Bella signs "milk+please"
Mom gives in.... :)

It's pretty cute. And what I love even more is how her signs have gone from erratic and ambiguous, to controlled and precise. When we add a new one, she does her own then for a day or two. Like with 'please' [which is rubbing your chest, open hand], for a few days she just rubbed her hands together after she said 'more,' then she started rubbing her arms...and then yesterday- POOF! She is signing it like a pro :) All and all, I can't believe it really work!

To all the moms and dads who don't think that it's worth the effort to teach your kids to sign, take it from me: it so much easier to guess between a few signs (like 'water'/'dirty' that are similar) than to play 'decipher the screams...' If Bella wants it, she can
tell us 90% of the time. Plus, now that she has the basics down, we are adding more and more specific signs every week. And to those of you who think this will delay her speaking- not the case! Bella already says, "hi" "mom" "dad" "baby" "dog" "hello" and what sounds like "Joel." It is remarkable!

I know I'm over due on photos... so more to come soon! I need to get some up of Bella walking/running. She is already faster than her daddy ;) Till then- love you all!
Just wanted to post another of my favorite moments in honor of my grandma- I miss you, Nana! Bella would have loved you so much! And I think "Nana" would have been one of her first words too :)

A Year Goes By...

Today is the first anniversary of my Nana's passing. We all love her so much and wish that she were here, but I am so thankful for all the years we had together, for everything she taught me (like how to give a man directions) and that she is still keeping an eye on us from heaven. I know that she is watching her first great-granddaughter grow into such a big girl and that she loves her so! So even though today is marked with sadness and memories of our loss, it is also a day to remember how much she loved us all and how blessed we were to know her! I <3 you, Nana!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life After Bachelors...

That's right ladies and gentleman, I am a graduate. Bachelors in hand (sorta) and the UNC system behind me, I am forging my way into the future. And by forging I mean, I'm not doing one bit of thinking about classical literature, grammar and linguistics, or lifting a finger to write one more essay (except here, of course). It is, however, only a temporary hiatus. I know that my teaching license and Masters are in my near future...and maybe a law degree in the later future; but at least for the summer I am out of school and focusing on being the best wife and mommy ever. Isn't that enough?!?! No- throw in there cook and cleaner, coupon'er and grocery-shopper, sister/daughter/daughter-in-law and employee, too. That about covers it. :)

On a much better note: Bella is walking. YES WALKING! And has been since 9m 3w old (or May 10th)... She started out taking lots of steps together, but once she fell over she started crawling. Then she started falling and getting back up and walking some more. Now she barely stumbles! Until she starts trying to run, then she usually falls over :) I think Daniel likes this the best (because she is usually trying to run to him while she cries out "Dada!").

That brings up the second awesome thing: officially she is saying 'Dada' and 'Mama' and 'Hi' and 'Baby.' Pretty much in that order. I mean, I could be annoying and argue that she said Mama and Dad at the same time, but she clearly calls for her Dada and I think I might just let Daniel have this one ;). Either way, it's pretty darn adorable.

Besides all that, there is lots to say. But so much is still unsure and in God's hands that I won't speak of it just yet. Just know that we are happy and full of Faith that we are in God's will with our decisions as a family right now. It is a great feeling to have- to know that you are walking in His will. Everything looks better: even finances! Yay for a God-guided budget!

Well, I better go. I successfully have my little one down for a 2hr+ nap (whoop whoop!) and I really want to get working on some Father's Day presents for her #1 man (and mine, truthfully). Can't wait to see him tonight!!

Love and God Bless, I will be on here more than once ever other month from now on. Have I said that before? Well, ignore anything that I said before my BA was done- I was 3/4 crazy then. :) So till next time...