This first part I wrote on my second anniversary, Jan 2 2011 and a few days after Bella's ears were pierced. Better late than never. New Post comes afterward...
Happy New Year all! I am a few days belated, but whatever. I am managing to post less than a month after my last (victory!) and what a month it as been. First of all, working backwards- happy anniversary to me and my sweetie. 2 whole years has passed and I can't believe it, we are more in love today as we were last year. And thank goodness, because we have some stuff to get through that will challenge us and push our limits. We have just started our move into my in-laws (love you, Gail!) and it is going pretty smoothly so far. I keep telling myself that we will all settle in soon, but I can't help but feel like I'm stepping on toes sometimes. Tonight, for example, I am up in the middle of the night and feel like I'm waking up everyone! Plus, living somewhere where nothing is really yours can be tough...but my parents and us kids have done it a few times before, I know it can be done. This next month will be spent packing and starting to move things to VA and hopefully selling our furniture. Anyone want a practically brand new couch and lazy-boy recliner, 2 side tables and matching coffee table and some lamps?
So besides all the moving and such, Daniel is back at work and I'm trying to get school things sorted out. I was in my last two classes as of Monday, but for some reason I was dropped out of them. At about 8am today I will be calling to yell at some people :) Then real work starts on the 10th for me. I'm still doing part time with Cheryl, yay, but hopefully working my way out of that.
NOW, for the stuff you really want to know. Bella :) Our little girl has had a banner month! Right before 4 months old (Dec 17) she started sitting up on her own AND she got her first bite of "people food." Since then we have learned that she hates bananas, which I don't blame her for, and that she love pears. She is only eating the organic baby food so far, but has had some random tastes of mommy's plate if it's something mushy. She is still 99% breastfeeding, which will stay this way for another few months at least, but it's fun for daddy and other family to get a chance to feed her.
Also this month Bella got her ears pierced! We went to our favorite Salon and Spa in Mooresville, NC - Bella Lago Salon and Spa. Merrisa (the owner) and a wonderful lady, Denise, were all set to do it. Unfortunately, our Bella was less than cooperative and fought hard against the tiny marker that was just going to mark the earing's place! Then, I held her head while they did both ears at once. She screamed. :( But it wasn't over...the left side was at a bad angle and didn't match. At this point, Daniel is nearly in tears and is hating so much that his little girl is in pain. However, it was better to just get it over with than come back another day. It wasn't the easiest thing, but she has been great since.
Here are some pictures!

Here are some pictures!
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