I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

long overdue (again!)

friends and family... SORRY! I have been way out of touch these last couple weeks. With final exams breathing down my neck and a move fully underway, I've had less than a little time for fun things like updating here. In the meantime between my last post and today we have had two doctor's appointments (we are down to one every-other-week until the beginning of June, then every week. yay.) and both visits went great. She is growing perfectly and so am I. :) I acutually went down some in weight, which wasn't really good or bad, I'm still doing fine at having gained 15 lbs total. Dr just told me that I need to gain a pound a week on average until the end to reach my goal. I'm not really trying to do anything differently though, since my body and Bella seem to be handling things fine on their own.

In other news, it has been a rough past couple weeks for my family in general. About a week and a half ago my Nana was told that she has a large tumor on her right Kidney and has since been referred to the BEST doctors for treatment. They have had to perform a small surgery to release toxins from her bile duct (on Friday this past week) and we are waiting for an exact date (this week, we hope) for the surgery to remove the tumor. On the positive side, she is feeling a little better with the nourishment from the feeding tube (also inserted Friday) and the doctor said that she believes the
tumor is encased. Which basically means it has not spread into the lymph nodes, just pressing out onto all the other organs, etc. However, she won't know the for a fact until they get in a see during surgery. Things to pray for are that the air in her abdomen subsides and stops hurting her and that surgery is scheduled for this week and goes perfectly. When all this was found out, my whole family (minus David and me) drove to VA to be with her...along with my aunts and uncles from their homes in various states. In short- they gathered fast and are all staying close to Nana and Bunka for all the support they can muster. It will be a rough next few days and weeks..and months, but we are all praying for the best and a fast recovery.

To top that off, my Dad's mom (Grandma Julie) also had surgery this past week (on Friday) for her neck/back. She is in a little pain from post-surgery and lower medication, but doing well. Say a prayer that she keeps recovering well, too!

Last bit of family updates are that my sister (Beca) sprained her ankle (must have gotten those bad ankles from Dad, like me...thanks!) and the family car is acting up. They all were stranded in Charlotesville for a day/night while visiting Nana! Whew! I think that's it though...

So... Bella news isn't so exciting these weeks. Besides getti
ng bigger and stronger, she is doing perfectly. I'm getting pretty miserable at night. Sleep is more like a series of naps and the backpain is becoming frustrating, but it's all to be expected! Bella is getting cramped and really starting to battle my insides... Daniel is able to see her kick out a foot or fist or head every day during at least one of her "fits." Most of the time it doens't hurt me, but sometimes I get a rude punch/kick to my bladder, hips or ribs. She is also definitely responding to music and Daddy's voice...sqirms like crazy during church worship and when Daddy talks to her. :) The last bit of my pregnancy sorrows is the fact that my brain, usually sharp and on top of it all, is totally failing me. I truly respect moms who manage to do this with other kids in the house... I swear I would have left mine at a store by now, or something like that. on accident that is...geeze.

Well, the other baby in my life (Lon Lon) is dying for a nap....wish I could join her today, but I'm way behind on homework for tomorrow. So I better get going...

Love you all- updates again, soon. Bye!

OH- I almost forgot. I cut my hair. :) Hope you like it... well, even if you dont. I love it. I looks a little different today because I didn't straighten the whole thing....but here is the curly (a-natural) look.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

third trimester, so deserving of an update!

welcome, welcome, WELCOME to the THIRD TRIMESTER! :) With two down and only one to go, we have crossed a huge milestone with Baby Bella. I figured it would be best to start off with an update on us both and a new photo. So here goes:

How far along:
27 weeks, two days (week 28) THIRD TRIMESTER!
How big around: 43" I added this one because I'd like to keep track of "belly inches" till she comes.
Total weight gain: 14lbs (give or take a few, it seems.) My goal is 25 lbs for the whole pregnancy.
How big is baby: about 2lbs (goodness!) and between 14-16inches long.
Maternity clothes: Yup- but at least 50% is my normal clothing that accommodates the belly well. Pretty much just needing pants in maternity.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so great, but not horrible. A little uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: Yes, all day. Pretty much resting for 45mins at a time, then back to kicking and rolling.
Food cravings: Not really, just get in the mood for certain things at random times. Hungry much more often though!
Food aversions: Not really, still a terrible gag-reflex in the morning. The stuffy nose doesn't help.
Belly button: it is totally flat, but not "popped out" yet.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting through finals and the move, less than 4 weeks left in our apartment!
Weekly wisdom: Sleep can do wonders for the soul.
Weekly joy: Feeling our little Isabella all day long as my gentle (well, sometimes) and comforting reminder that all the chaos of the last 6 months will be well worth it in just a few more.

Doctor's appointments have gone down to every other week, so another visit next week. I have to take the glucose test (for gestational diabetes) this time, too. Hopefully I pass with flying colors! Other than that, Daniel and I have been busy packing up the apartment and moving things to the storage building at the house. We get the keys this Thursday and will start painting Bella's room and moving bigger stuff this weekend (and every other weekend) till we are officially out of the apartment May 8. Then the countdown will really be rolling!! I'm looking forward to the move, because it will mean so much more time for Daniel in the mornings and after practices, but I'm not looking forward to the drive for myself in May and June while I'm still working and taking classes. I will probably be crashing in Charlotte at a friend's place a couple nights a week. Praise God for good friends!

Well, I am amidst writing a 10pg+ research paper that is due tomorrow (maybe Bella won't inherit my procrastination when it comes to homework), so I better get back to work. Thanks for the love and support. If anyone wants to come and help us move over the next few weekends- you're welcome! haha

love, us

Monday, April 5, 2010

less than 100 days left

another monthly appointment today! now we are down to going every two weeks for the next couple months (the last 4 weeks it's every week)...It seems like we have been doing these appointments forever! Nothing very special about this week, just a general check up with measurements and a listen in on her with the Doppler. She (or my uterus rather) is measuring a perfect 26" for our 26 weeks past and she has a very strong heartbeat. During the whole listen in, she was pushing against the mike and wiggling around. Dr Bohmer laughed at how active she was and said she was definitely an active baby! For emphasis, before he was done, she gave a giant kick. :) And I was afraid she would be a shy girl today, I should have known she would show off her new skills. On the negative side for me, I seem to be gaining weight like no other. I'm up nearly 18lbs and if I don't slow down to 1lb a week I will be over my goal for the pregnancy. I don't really know what I can be doing differently, though. I'm eating healthy, about 90% of the time, and getting alot of walking in everyday. I could add more exercising in, but that blessed time-factor never seems to work in my favor. Hopefully as this school year winds down it will get better. But for now, I'm just going to keep doing my yoga and sign up for a weekend Prenatal Yoga class that I've heard is really good.

well, Daddy's car isn't starting and he is stuck out in Albemarle. One more thing to add to our mess of a day. Gotta go out and rescue him. :)