How far along: 32 weeks, three days (week 33) - about 50 days to go!
How big around: forgot my measuring tape today, but I'm guessing around 47" (she is measuring perfect for 33 weeks according to her check up yesterday)
Total weight gain: 17lbs, My goal is 25 lbs for the whole pregnancy.
How big is baby: about 4-5lbs (goodness!) and between 18-20inches long (Birth Length!)
Maternity clothes: Yup- but at least 75% is my normal clothing that accommodates the belly well. I have some shorts/pants that are maternity though.
Stretch marks: Nope :)
Sleep: Not so great, but not horrible. A little uncomfortable and tossy-turny with leg cramps, too. Preparing me for all those middle-of-the-night feedings I think. I won't mind it nearly so much then.
Movement: All the time! She has clear "awake" and "sleeping" cycles now and when she is awake, it gets pretty painful! I walk around with her foot in my rib, or knees in my hips or she will play "lets stretch mommy's tummy out" :) all good pain though.
Food cravings: I think we have determined that I'm craving sour cream a lot...but pretty much happy with anything these days/
Food aversions: Not really, gag-reflex is better now!
Belly button: it is totally flat, but i don't think it will ever "pop"- we shall see!
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing Becca and Paul this weekend! And the baby shower Sunday...and entering the countdown of weekly dr visits
Weekly wisdom: No TV is pretty good for my marriage. :)
Weekly joy: Bella is strong and healthy...Daniel is almost done with school...only 6 more weeks of work for me!
My attempt at many things. For every memory I record, there are five more I'm busy making and it's not a bad deal. From when I started, so much has changed for the better- No longer pregnant and officially graduated, living with my parents and blessed with new jobs and a bright future! God is Good!!
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
summer (kinda) finally!
so it's been another 3 weeks since my last post.. but finals are finally over! and I seem to have had a good year... thought I made it out with all A's but one teacher, who will from this point forward be called butthead...just kidding, sorta, well anyway... one class ended up as a B. Still not bad though.. I'm happy. :)
Bella is getting stronger and stronger these days with very clear sleeping and awake times. She doesn't bother me much at night, which is wonderful, but my back is getting worse. It's all expected though, as she puts on more and more weight and starts to settle down further.
Also since my last post Daniel and I have moved to our little house in Troy. Until Bella gets a little closer, I'm still having to drive my extra long commute 4 or 5 days a week, but I try to sleep with a friend in Charlotte a couple times a week to lessen the load when I can stand to spend the night away from Daniel. The house has come together rather well and I would love to own one like it one day. It's small, but really a good size for the three of us. Bella's room is the last big project to tackle and hopefully after the shower this weekend we can do that some more. I'm most excited to see what the crib looks like!
Anyway, computer is about to die. I will post after Wednesday's doctor's appointment and put up photos of the house and crib after the weekend. :)
sorry it was kinda sort and boring- Bella is kicking like crazy right now, though! love-us
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