I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph 4:1-2)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Bella has always loved to sleep in.

But on vacation, she really loves it. And especially after a long day on the beach and a night of wrestling with her cousins.

We are now 7 days from her birthday, I can't believe it! I am so thankful that I don't have to work this week and that we will be home. Us two girls can spend the week getting ready for the big day and maybe I won't be so sad to see her turn 1.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Countdown...

So I think it is only appropriate to do a little countdown here, since only one year ago today I was praying for labor and time to speed past and today I'm watching my baby girl sleep and she looks more to me like a 5 year old than an infant, wishing time would stop going at all!! I can't really describe how fast the past year has gone by, but from my lack of posts and abundance of pictures I know that it was a wonderful, fun-filled, emotional year. So today- 9 days before my baby girl enters "One-derland" and leaves infancy behind her, I want to say this: what hasn't changed in the past year is: 1) her love for nursing, anywhere...any time and 2) how much Bella looks like her daddy and acts like me. It's a blessing and a curse :)

Okay- so 9 to go.

I love you SO MUCH little Isabella Grace!! And since I can't make you stop growing, at least keep going at a pace where mommy can sorta keep up :)