Next thing, about 10 days ago Bella's first tooth appeared. Her bottom-right, center (incisor) is almost fully through now. She has been messing around with it and biting everything she can get her mouth on :)
Next- A couple weeks ago we had a play-date with Sydney (a little girl just a couple weeks older than Bella) and the girls had their first experience with swings. Surprisingly, they LOVED it! Bella especially... she was laughing and screaming with joy.
Next, we have caught Bella standing on her own every now and then. Just for 10 or 20 seconds at a time...but it's a start!
Next- we had our first car wash! Finally, spring and warm weather have made it to NC and Bella helped daddy wash the car (kinda)...mostly we just played in the grass. :)
The last big first has been this week- my family, is on vacation at Myrtle Beach and besides when Isabella was just a few weeks old, this is her first time at a beach/pool. She is definitely her daddy's daughter though, because she loves it! I will get some pictures up soon- now that school is wrapping up for me, blogging about all-things-Bella is my next project. I know that if the first kid is the best chance you have for remembering every little thing, so I want to try and get caught up. Before I go (the pool is calling my name)- I want to say one thing that I want to make sure I remember about my little girl: I love how when she nurses, lying down beside me, that she kicks her little feet up on top of me...and when she falls asleep, that she stays that way. With her legs up on my side...and she notices when you try to move them! I think it's sweet and just one of the ways that she says 'I love you, Mommy' to me every day.